Thursday, 27 September 2012

Research & Planning: Completed College magazine cover & contents page

College Magazine Front Cover

College Magazine Contents Page


Unknown said...

I think it looks professional and I really like the layout you have used both on your cover and contents page. You can clearly see that it is the same magazine as you have continued the colour scheme and the font is the same. The cover lines are appropriate, the font looks suitable and it is clear. I think the images you have used look good and I like how you have used an effect on the image on the contents page.

Unknown said...

I really like the colour scheme you chose it works well and you stuck to the three colour rule. I like your image on the front cover, Lauren's eyes really stand out!
you can tell that the contents and the cover are from the same magazine, I really like the font you used on the contents, and the effect you have used on the image. :D

Unknown said...

Hi Jake
I think your front cover is great, it looks just like a real magazine. Your cover lines are easy to read and their topics are suitable for your target audience. I think that your masthead stands out really well against your red background. You can definately tell that the contents page and front cover are from the same magazine because you have continued the fonts and stuck to your colour scheme. I think that you have edited your photos really well.