Monday 10 September 2012

Research & Planning: Manipulated Film Poster

My manipulated film poster

To further develop my Photoshop skills, I decided to edit a well-known movie poster and replace the main actors' head (in this case Daniel Radcliffe) with somebody else's (Dame Maggie Smith). Below is a step-by-step guide on how I did this.

Step 1

I used Google Image Search to find a movie poster. I chose to use 'Women In Black'. I then copied this image into a new Photoshop file.

Step 2

I then used Google to find a picture of a celebrity, who's head I could use to replace Daniel Radcliffe's (on the poster).

Step 3

I inserted the image into the Photoshop file and placed it over Daniel's head. I then used the Magnetic Lasso tool to cut out Maggie Smith's head.

Step 4

I edited the cut-out head using the smudge tool to smooth the edges and make it fit in more.

Step 5

Finally, I added text to the poster and replaced "DANIEL RADCLIFFE" with "DAME MAGGIE SMITH"

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