Thursday 4 October 2012

Research & Planning: Mastheads for my Music Magazine

Four possible masthead designs for my music magazine

These are four possible masthead designs for my music magazine. I have narrowed my choice of title to either 'Laid back' or 'Lay back' - this reflects my own personal choice of music. I have created several versions to later show to my peers and the target audience to gather feedback.


Unknown said...

Hey Jake,
I really like all four of these masthead designs they are all very creative. I believe that my favorite is the last one, for starters I like your choice of colour, the light blue. Then I like the way the letter at the end and the start have been made bigger this gives a great effect and looks good. Then the smaller text carries on bellow the main piece of the masthead is different and unique so this is why i prefer it to the other three.

Unknown said...

Hello Jake,
I really like the names you have chosen for the magazine I think they all work well. I think my favourite is the first one, I love the 'Laid back' name and the logo in the middle. I also love the colours you have chosen to use, the white on light blue works and stands out really well.