Thursday 4 October 2012

Research & Planning: Music Magazine Collage

Music Magazine Collage, the numbers '1, 2 & 3' correspond to responses below

1. I really like this photograph, the sun is backlighting the group which makes the audience feel very  
    naustalgic about their own experiences with summer . The natural surroundings are calm and keep
    your focus on the subjects. The photo itself has an almost, cross-processed feel, very retro.

2. I love the layout of this piece. The picture, combined with the subject and typography work really
    well in my eyes. The almost vertical panoramic feel of the image allows the text to be displayed
    above the subject. The font choice is lovely, the colours are simple and well chosen.

3. This is another piece of typography that I love. I think it could possibly be an inspiration for when I
    come to style my masthead for my own music magazine. The colour scheme of red and black work
    really well, it's a classic colour combination. The mixture of sans-serif and serif fonts works nicely, as
    well as the thick line beneath the text that separates it from the page content.

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