Tuesday 6 November 2012

Research & Planning: Audience Interview Questions

These are the 10 questions that I will ask my audience when presenting them my first drafted music magazine cover, contents page and double page spread.

1. What are your first impressions of the cover design and layout?
2. Is there anything you could suggest I should change on/add to the cover? If so, what?
3. What are your thoughts on the colour scheme? Does the contents page 'match' the cover?
4. Is the information clear on the contents page, should there be more/less text?
5. Out of these shot types, which do you think would most suit my music magazine's cover and why?

6. How would you change the double page spread?
7. Is there anything else you think I should include on any of the pages?
8. Overall, what are your thoughts on the font choices and styles that have been used?
9. Does the masthead design work well with the design? Why?
10. Can you suggest any other improvements on any of the designed pages?

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