Thursday 13 September 2012

Research & Planning: College Magazine Analysis

College Magazine to be analysed

How do you know this is a college magazine?

There are several aspects of this design that show me that it is a college magazine. The most obvious point is that the masthead reads 'College'. Another key signifier is the main picture, it is a student carrying a selection of books on Law, Business and Society. The student is male and looks about 18-19, which is the typical age for college students in America (this publication is American).

The cover lines also lead me to believe this is a college magazine, the stories are very trendy and aimed at young adults. For example, one cover line talks about Blackberry's (mobile phones), which are the latest craze for students. The selling line emphasises how 'Hip, hot & happening' the magazine is.

I think this magazine is aimed at college students between the ages of 18 and 21. Specifically those who have disposable income as the magazine itself is charged at $4.99 (about £3) and this is a weekly magazine, so the reader would have to have at least £12 'spare' money a month in order to afford this magazine. The language of the magazine is also colloquial, informal and would appeal to a younger demographic.

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