Wednesday 19 September 2012

Research & Planning: Interviews

What types of articles would you like to see in a college magazine?
First person: “What’s going on around college”
Second person: “Stories about the college and what’s going on”
Third person: “Probably just stories about people and news articles”

What do you think of the overall layout of the cover? Can you make any suggestions?
First person: “I think its good and I like the layout as the image is big”
Second person: “It’s really good, very clear”
Third person: “I think its really good but maybe you could just move the person down a bit and add another article”

Would you pay 20p for this magazine? If yes, what would you expect from the magazine? If no, why not?
First person: “I would pay 20p if it included things around the college and things I like to read”
Second person: “Yeah I would, I’d expect information on what’s going on soon in the college”
Third person: “Yeah maybe just some competitions or something like that inside”

What do you think of the masthead? Do you feel it is appropriate and why?
First person: “Yeah I do I like the style of the text”
Second person: “Yeah because it is what you would expect”
Third person: “I think it’s very appropriate if the magazine is about people and the college”

Do you like the colour scheme of green, blue and orange? Can you recommend any changes?
First person: “The green is bright and clear,  yes”
Second person: “Yes I do like it, can’t suggest anything”
Third person: “Yeah I like green blue and orange, I can’t recommend anything to change”

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